
Thursday, September 12, 2019

Wacky Animal Literacy Project

Wacky Animal Literacy Project

LI: to merge two animals together to create a new wacky animal that is represented
by the combined characteristics of both the individual animals.

How did I do it?
Find out information about both my animals then mix it together 
I think I did OK because I think if I spent more time on it I would of done much better.

Question for audience:
what wacky animal is your favourite?

NZ History Animations

NZ History Animations

LI: to present an animation that shows our new learning about the different
perspectives of Māori and Europeans first encounters 250 years ago.

How did I do it?
First i got images for the web of captain cook,Tupaia and everything else. then went to and took away the background so i could use it like a png. then to make the animation i got a slide then duplicated it change it slightly and did it again that way it looks like there moving/walking

i think i did well with this animation it took a long time but it was worth it. I think i should of used maori dictionary not google translator because some of the maori might be translated wrong.

Question for audience:
have you ever made an animation?